sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

china project

Cancer, cell phones, cow’s milk, and Cornell

How does a farm boy turned scientist cope with the startling discovery that the casein in cow’s milk is a powerful carcinogen?

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study — grew up on a dairy farm but stopped serving ANY milk whatsoever to his own family over twenty years ago. He also counseled Dr. Spock prior to his final book — he too finally learned the truth about milk a few years before he died.
After growing up on a dairy farm in Virginia, Dr. T. Colin Campbell began his career in nutritional science believing that the healthiest diet in the world was the good old standard American diet — rich in meat and dairy three meals a day. But, as a man of the highest integrity, he took notice as he began discovering some dirty little secrets about the animal “protein” products that we had been led to believe were so healthy.
As early as the 1960′s as he began uncovering scientific evidence that negatively implicated the vast amount of animal protein in our diets, he was advised by his peers and colleagues that, in the interest of his career, he better keep quiet about those findings. Fortunately, keeping quiet about something that was killing people all over the world simply wasn’t in the Colin Campbell DNA.
Being a scientist, he wanted to find more proof before he went public — he simply wanted to be sure. He knew that once he went public with negative information about animal-based foods, that he would have difficulty getting much funding — and, without funding, it’s difficult to do much scientific research.
Fortunately, in 1980, he got the chance to direct the largest epidemiological study in the history of the world. It was called The China-Cornell-Oxford Project and, over the next thirty years, produced startling evidence about the relationship between diet, disease and health. As the overall director of this huge international project — this vital experience became the capstone of his 50-year career.

My Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition — Nov. 2009; a certificate that is good for continuing education credits for MD’s and RD’s but (thanks to the dairy industry) is no longer good for credits toward graduation from Cornell University.
After becoming absolutely sure that the natural and best diet for our species was whole, plant-based foods; he followed the encouragement of his wife Karen — and told his complete career story in his world-changing book, The China Study (BenBella 2005).
She had been saying that he simply must tell his story — for the children of the world. But long before telling his story to the world, he created a plant-based nutrition course at Cornell University in the 90′s and taught it himself for seven years.
Wildly popular among the students, he got a call one day from someone who was trying to sign up for his course, but was told that the course had been canceled. Why was it canceled and why was Dr. Campbell not told about that cancellation in advance? The short answer is MONEY — in the form of the university’s huge financial support from the dairy industry. The controlling powers of the university had decided that a course that was counter to the prevailing meat & dairy diet-style didn’t make good business sense. So much for academic freedom.

J. Morris Hicks
The good news is that Dr. Campbell’s Plant-Based Nutrition course has been resurrected and is now delivered online by eCornell – a division of Cornell University.
Managed by the T. Colin Campbell Foundation, graduates of this great 6-week course can earn continuing education credits for MD’s and RD’s but, thanks to the dairy industry, cannot earn credits toward graduation from Cornell University. You can sign up for that course today by visiting this link: Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition – Online Certificate Program | eCornell. My certificate from 2009 is shown above.
To Dr. Campbell’s knowledge, there is no such course offered toward graduation in ANY school of nutrition in the United States. Apparently, our entire network of nutritional academia has sold out to the meat and dairy industry. What a shame. And how sad for the young people who compete to get into the best schools — in search of the truth. Further, the vast majority (if not all) of the PhD faculty in the School of Nutritional Science at Cornell have never even read The China Study.
Maybe some of that is driven by a threat to their job security; after all, how many PhD’s do you need to tell you the only two words that you need to know about consuming a health-promoting, disease-reversing diet? WHOLE PLANTS!

J. Morris Hicks reviewing his book manuscript with Dr. T. Colin Campbell at Cornell University — Dec. 15, 2010
In my opinion, this whole mess is unacceptable. And, it’s only going to get better if many more people learn what’s going on behind the closed doors of academia. I was there (Nov. 2009) at Cornell — in Savage Hall — when Dr. Campbell essentially summarized the provocative findings from The China Study before about 100 people in a 50-minute lecture to a group of half faculty, half students.
The students had great interest; the faculty — not so much. And the comments they made revealed how little they knew — or wanted to know about the topic of plant-based nutrition. This kind of information needs to be seen by millions of people; maybe you can share it with a few that might be interested.
One final note: We are truly honored that this great man and his son have written the foreword to our upcoming book — you can see an excerpt of that foreword by clicking here.
If you like what you see here, you may wish to join our periodic mailing list. Also, for help in your own quest to take charge of your health, you might find some useful information at our 4-Leaf page. From the seaside village of Stonington, Connecticut – Be well and have a great day.
If you’d like to order our book on Amazon,  visit our BookStore now.
—J. Morris Hicks…blogging daily at HealthyEatingHealthyWorld.com
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Early Sexual Maturity and Milk Hormones

by Robert Cohen
The March, 2012 issue of the Journal of Human Biology contains a study in which cow's milk consumption was associated with early sexual development.
Researchers in the Human Biology Program and Department of Anthropology at Indiana University wrote:

"Milk has been associated with early menarche and with acceleration of linear growth in adolescence...IGF-I is a candidate bioactive molecule linking milk consumption to more rapid growth and development."

The scientists concluded:
"Routine milk consumption is an evolutionarily novel dietary behavior that has the potential to alter human life history parameters, especially vis-à-vis linear growth, which in turn may have negative long-term biological consequences."
The same month the above study appeared (March, 2012), German Researchers reported in Nutritional Reviews that nutrition is an "important lifestyle factor influencing timing of puberty."
Scientists concluded:
"Early onset of puberty may confer adverse health consequences...children with the highest intakes of vegetable protein or animal protein experience pubertal onset up to seven months later or seven months earlier, respectively."

My youngest daughter is in sixth grade, and my own sixth grade photograph brought about pleasant memories. It also triggered a surprise. Most of the boys in my class looked sharp in their Cub Scout uniforms, and our crew cuts depicted the symbolic hairstyle of the early 60's. Photos of my eleven-year-old friends resemble today's young boys. Little has changed. Today's little girls, though, are shockingly different. Eleven-year old girls from my day were flat-chested. There is no denying the photographic evidence. A scan of today's pre-teen schoolyard cannot disguise the number of large-busted sexually mature girls. A recent series of phone calls to my friends confirmed that my own experience was not unusual. Today's girls are very different. In my own sixth grade photo, there was Gail with pigtails, and Ellen with her irresistible smile, hands neatly folded on her desk. One little girl after another exhibited none of the budding signs of early sexual development that baffle today's sociologists and endocrinologists.
Today, little girls are made up of more than just sugar, spice, and everything nice. These girls of the twenty-first century are maturing earlier than last generation's children, and something is very different about their womanly physical attributes and behavior. Could there be a food link to this mystery?
In 1970, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the dairy industry produced 2.2 billion pounds of cheese. The population of the United States was 203 million, which translates to an average of 10.8 pounds of cheese per person. By 1990, America's population had grown to 248 million, and Americans were eating more cheese, 6 billion pounds worth. That's an average of 24 pounds per person. In 1994, the average American consumed 27.7 pounds of cheese. As we pass from one millennium into another, America's per-capita cheese consumption has broken the 30-pound per person level. America's rate of cheese consumption is skyrocketing. Since ten pounds of milk are required to produce just one pound of cheese, three hundred pounds of milk are used to manufacture that thirty pounds of cheese. The USDA publishes yearly food consumption data. In 1999, the average American consumed a combined 5 ounces per day of meat and chicken, and 29.2 ounces of milk and dairy products. That's 666 pounds per year per American of dairy products, making this group the largest component of America's diet. Concentrated milk in the form of increased cheese consumption means that concentrated hormones are being consumed.
Every sip of cow's milk contains 59 different bioactive hormones, according to endocrinologist Clark Grosvenor in the Journal of Endocrine Reviews in 1992. Milk has always been a hormonal delivery system, providing nursing infants with nature's perfect food for the young of each species. Thousands of studies published in respected peer-reviewed scientific journals report that lactoferrins, immunoglobulins, and hormones in human breast milk provide enormous benefit for nursing humans. In other words, hormones in milk work to exert powerful effects. Each species of mammal has a different formula. Cow's milk contains hormones, and nursing on cow's milk will deliver these hormones to the human body.
As a little girl becomes a big girl, then a mature woman, she will naturally produce in her lifetime the equivalent of only one tablespoon of estrogen. Hormones work on a nanomolecular lever, which means that it takes only a billionth of a gram to produce a powerful biological effect. Should little girls be encouraged to pop estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin pills each day? If they drink cow's milk, that is just what they are doing. If they eat cheese and ice cream, they ingest concentrated forms of these hormones.
Is early sexual maturity a bad thing, healthwise? Dr. Catherine Berkey, of Brigham Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, examined data from participants in the Harvard Nurses' Health Study. Her findings were published in the journal Cancer in 1999. Of the 65,000 participants, 2,291 developed breast cancer. Dr. Berkey's comment: "Earlier menarche and taller adult height were predictive of elevated breast carcinoma risk. Our work provided evidence that breast cancer risk is influenced by preadulthood factors, and thus prevention efforts that begin in childhood and adolescence may someday be useful."
Is it possible to do a controlled scientific study testing this theory? Such a study was actually performed on an entire nation. There is one country where milk consumption was unknown before 1946. In Japan, in every year since 1946, 20,000 persons from 6,100 households have been interviewed and their diets carefully analyzed along with their weights and heights and other factors such as cancer rates and age of puberty (the last measured by the onset of menstruation in young girls). The results of the study were published in Preventive Medicine by Kagawa in 1978.
Japan had been devastated by losing a war and was occupied by American troops. Americanization included dietary changes. Milk and dairy products were becoming a significant part of the Japanese diet. According to this study, the per-capita yearly dietary intake of dairy products in 1950 was only 5.5 pounds. Twenty- five years later, the average Japanese ate 117.4 pounds of milk and dairy products.
In 1950, the average twelve-year old Japanese girl was 4'6" tall and weighed 71 pounds. By 1975, the average Japanese girl, after changing her diet to include milk and dairy products containing 59 different bioactive hormones, had grown an average of 4 1/2 inches and gained 19 pounds. In 1950, the average Japanese girl had her first menstrual cycle at the age of 15.2 years. Twenty five years later, after a daily intake of estrogen and progesterone from milk, the average Japanese girl was ovulating at the age of 12.2 years, three years younger. Never before had such a dramatic dietary change been seen in such a unique population study.
Little girls do not take birth control pills. Little girls do not inject steroids, and do not require estrogen replacement therapy. Little girls are born with bodies that are genetically pre-programmed to transform them into women. By consuming cow's milk and cow's milk products, little girls become big girls long before Mother Nature intended. Is being taller, having larger than normal breasts, starting your period earlier than you're designed to, and increasing your risk of breast cancer worth it?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Don's Comments: It's fascinating to see how many organizations, agencies, and even the media will report the correlation between the earlier onset of menstruation in young girls and the increased risk of breast cancer, but go on to say that the exact mechanism is "unknown", when the exact mechanism is definitely known! It's hormones from animal products, mostly milk products. But saying so would severely hurt multi-billion dollar industries, so they simply report the problem and then raise money to research it, and raise money to find a cure for breast cancer. Money may make the world go 'round, but it won't cure breast cancer. The cure for the breast cancer epidemic is:
1. Stop consuming hormones and toxins (pesticides on food... buy "organic")
2. Stop wearing a bra (see The Connection Between Bras and Breast Cancer)
3. Start doing vigorous up and down exercise like "spirited" walking or rebounding (moves lymph fluid... click here to learn more)

What woman would not want to have the BEST odds of avoiding breast cancer? I would think EVERY woman would. But of the women I share the above three steps with, only a tiny fraction embrace them. Don't be taken advantage of by non-caring industries at the expense of your breasts or your life... Breast cancer IS avoidable, regardless of your genetic predisposition, blood type, hair color, or zodiac sign.
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domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. In every work of genius we recognize our own rejected thoughts: they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty. Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string." — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance (1841)